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nicole @blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i woke up this morning with a heavy heart, knowing that this morning's class will be my second last lecture in MMU. Yes, im excited bcoz im finally gonna graduate, no more assignments and exaams, yet, another part of me is feeling sad and depressed bcoz i know im gonna miss this place a lot and i dun feel like leaving at all. Gone are the days where a bunch of us will always go out for late night supper after long hours of meetings followed by early breakfast, the days when the 3 of us would just skip class and sing k the whole afternoon followed by buffet dinner, the days when i would skip classes just to make sure the events are run smoothly, the endless hours spent in the library for last minute revisions and the coldness we have to endure. 4 years in MMU, where almost 3 out of 4 are spent in organizing activities. Looking back, i have never regretted coming to MMU. There's always a reason why things happen, and i truly believe that if not bcoz of my A Levels results, i wouldnt have ended in MMU. There's nothing more i want for this christmas other than the sweet memories that i will always cherish. (p/s: i wouldnt mind if anyone of u gonna buy me a coach wallet or a Ipod Touch 32gb)
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Check out this interesting website!


Do support ya!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008

events for the week

Matta Fair 08
5000 words research paper on Malaysia's corporate governance
prospectus assignment for corporate accounting 2
research paper for international accounting
tutorial question for international accounting
mid term on 4/9
account closing for cls alumni dinner
post mortem cum celebration dinner for cls alumni dinner

so many things to do, so little time left

Monday, August 18, 2008

stress,stress and more stress

im stuck with 4 international accounting questions, which seems that, i wont be able to get it done b4 tutorial tmr. im stress bcoz it involves a lot of research to be done, i cant seem to catch hold of the mind of my lecturer. im not sure wat is she thinking bout and wat kind of info she wants.

im stress bcoz there r 5 assignments due soon, and none of my groupmates seems to be interested in finding the initiative to start off with the work 1st. im stress bcoz i cant find anyone to depend on and share the workload with me. im stress bcoz i cant find anyone that i cant depend on when im stuck with things that i cant couldnt understand.

im stress bcoz of the need to increase or at least maintain my GCPA for these 2 remaining sems. im stress bcoz no one around me can help me to achieve it. im tired of waiting around and be the one always taking the initiative. tired of always ensuring that i have the best work for assignments. im not one person who will share my work unless i have the incentive of doing so. tired of putting stress on myself until i cant breathe and suffers from unconsistent heart beats at times.

i miss my secondary and college days, where i know i can always share the workload with my classmates. i can always trust the work of my classmates then, where i know we can always submit good projects and assignments. i miss those days..
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little darling of the family

Have i introduced the latest addition of the family?
he's 7 months now, cute as ever,too adorable that u cant afford to not love him.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

7 months after the wedding

Worth a laugh
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In the end...

it doesnt matter whether u study or not,u just cant beat the devil.

hopefully the other "angels" of my other 2 papers will have mercy on us.